Vplačaj gotovino v Sloveniji
Poišči najbližjo lokacijo in vplačaj gotovino
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Kako vplačati gotovino?

Vnesi znesek za vplačilo.
Ustvari kodo in šestmestno številko

Pokaži barkodo prodajalcu
Na kateremkoli prodajnem mestu Aircash v Sloveniji
Znesek bo takoj viden na tvojem računu
Aircash Mastercard® prepaid credit card valid in all countries!
The balance in your Aircash wallet is the balance on your Aircash Mastercard prepaid card
Purchase an Aircash Mastercard® at selected point of sale locations in Austria and Germany or order it on Amazon.de
Instantly activate the card you purchased using the Aircash app.
Get up to 5 cards and control all your expenses.
Deposit money to your Aircash wallet for FREE with any credit/debit card or with cash.

There is no paperwork, documents or monthly fees; Just you and your Aircash. You can control your Aircash Mastercard® card seamlessly via the Aircash app!