Aircash gives you 10kn
for every Glovo order!
Order what you want on Glovo and pay with Aircash Mastercard.
The promo code arrives in the Glovo application the next day and you can use it for your next order.
Isn’t it the easiest way to save? 🙂
You will receive a promotional code for one order per day during the promotional campaign.
Every promo code is valid for 14 days and you can use it for any future order.
The promo period ends on April 17, 2022
Still don’t have
Aircash card?
Buy it and use it today!
Buy a card
Buy an Aircash Mastercard prepaid card for only 30kn
at all Tisak and iNovina kiosks, Ina gas stations and in every Konzum.
Activate the card
Activate the card immediately through the Aircash application.
Follow the simple instructions and your card is ready to use.