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Summer weekend

Get 10% Aircash cashback to your Wolt account!

Make a Wolt Order, pay with an Aircash card and
immediately get 10% Aircash cashback go to your Wolt account!

Summer weekend 2023

No code needed, no minimum order,
as many times as you want during the weekend!

The maximum cashback amount is 20 euros per order and can be used within 7 days.

The promotion is valid on July 29th-30th, 2023, and August 26th-27th, 2023.

Still don’t have Aircash card?

Buy a card

Buy an Aircash Mastercard prepaid card for only EUR 3.98 at Tisak, iNovine, INA, Tifon and Konzum sales locations. You can also order it online on or on Wolt Market.

Activate Aircash card immediately through the Aircash application.